Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Andrea Bocelli is The Quirky Artist's Idol

The great Italian tenor, Andrea Bocelli has inspired me, the Quirky Artist who had always been in love with the modern world, to draw more and more. I have been listening to his famous songs like Romanza, Bellissime Stelle, Vivo Per Lei and Vivere every time I practice pencil sketching either at home or at my Art Class. In my opinion, they were a million times better than any other songs in the world.

And so, all thanks to Mr. Bocelli and his magnificent voice, I have finally finished the ever-so-challenging Dunhill Adventure sketch.  A lot of my friends in deviantART has said that I have been improving very quickly. I might even be a pro in two or three years from now.

I am very, very proud of this piece. I really am.

My next assignment had been kicked up a notch - drawing half-bodied humans. As in, from head to the waist. I am pretty excited because I get to work on my human anatomy.

I do some sketches at home whenever I'm bored. And it's always Andrea Bocelli in the sketch. I rarely see myself drawing anyone other than Andrea Bocelli.

This is the reference of the latest Andrea Bocelli sketch that I am currently working on. I hope to get it done as soon as possible.

Andrea Bocelli is one of a kind.

~Much love.

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