Thursday, May 6, 2010

A Spark of a New Obsession

Okay, so I've deserted you guys for a whole month. What's been going on? A lot.

Let's begin with my favorite topic: Art. I have a couple of finished and work-in-progress art pieces that I'd like to share with you guys. Even though all I'm talking to is an empty space of air. Ahaha.

This piece's called Poster Girl. And I bet you already know where the title came from. The song, "Poster Girl" by the Backstreet Boys .

This one would be a Work-In-Progress (W.I.P.)  piece of the gay-but-awesome American Idol runner-up, Adam Lambert!

Last, but certainly not least, a W.I.P. piece of my favorite English actor, Alan Rickman. I can't wait to finish this one, because, as a fellow Rickmaniac, I believe it's going to be super awesome. Grins all the way.

And all of these (and the previous) realism works of mine have been 'transplanted' to a new deviantART account of mine. Yes, you heard me, I have made a brand new deviantART account. Click Here if you want to pay me a visit. Why did I make a new account, you ask? Because I wanted to. HA. *points and laughs*

And onto the next topic that I've been itching about to type here on Blogspot: the Harry Potter books. Yes, I know that a third of the world have probably read the whole series, but, for me, I just started last Sunday (2nd of May, 2010). Yes, I agree with you that I am a wee bit late on catching up, but, it's better late than never.

Honestly, I've been longing to start reading since last year, but, as usual, I always have people blocking me from doing it. Specifically, my Mom, don't ask. Turning 13 this year (on the 5th of September), my Mom finally gave me the chance to get the first book. Boy, it was awesome to read. Unlike the other books which made me go, "Meh, this book was nice. Let's move on to the next.", it made me go, "Dude! I wanna re-read this book again!"

As the title've said, "A Spark of a New Obsession", I just got addicted to the Harry Potter books just like boys addicted to video games. I simply had to negotiate with my Mom about me getting and reading the rest of the books before the first part of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows movie comes out. Call me a spoiled brat, but that's me.

So, me and my Mom came to a conclusion of this: If I wanted to buy the rest of the books (the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh), I'd have to save my weekly allowance (Meaning, I'd have to starve from not buying any snacks, ahaha.) until I've reached the amount I need to get those books . It's going to be hard to not have Mountain Dew for a while, but, I'm one hundred percent positive that it'll be awesomely worth it. Wish me luck, because my goals are set sky-high.

~Much love.

P.S. I've been goofing off so much about this and that, that I've completely forgotten to finish the realism piece of Elvis Presley by my friend's father last month. (Mentioned in this blog entry.) Let's just hope my friend's father's a calm and cool gentleman. Ahahaha.

Friday, April 16, 2010

On My Way to Becoming Famous?

How long has it been since I've uploaded a blog, two weeks, I believe. My life at my art school and school has been doing pretty well, some good grades and good relationships with every one of my friends. Remember that certain art piece that I've been itching to do of Andrea Bocelli? Here it is! Whenever I had extra ten or even five minutes as a break from studying, I'd grab my pencil, sketchbook and continue my art pieces.

I really like how the beard came out. I really do. What I don't like about this piece is the fact that I screwed up the nose, forehead and part of the lips and eyes. Oh, whatever, I can still improve on the next art piece.

Now, the headline news that I've been longing to tell, I recently had my first art request from a dude from school who is a HUGE fan of Green Day. Billie Joe, the vocalist and leader of the band, was his favorite, obviously. (No, he's not gay, in case you were wondering, haha.) And so, he requested me to draw a head-only portrait of Billie Joe to stick on his bedroom door.

After I gave him the drawing, his first words were, "Coooool." nodded and gave me a big smile. I sort of did the same thing and we both went to our classes.

 Later that night . . he surprised me on my Facebook profile with yet 'nother request. He said he "LOVED the B.J., showed it to his father and his father liked it. Liked it that much that his father wanted me to draw Elvis Presley.

And THIS, my dear friends, is what his father requested me to draw. It might not be much of a challenge to draw Mr.Presley in this here reference, but you never know. Few weeks ago, a certain art piece that looked easy wasn't easy. Let's hope luck'll be on my side this time.

Last but not least, Elvis Presley has an awesome hairstyle. Call me gay and old-fashioned, but, that's me. I'm the Quirky Artist.

~Much love.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Andrea Bocelli is The Quirky Artist's Idol

The great Italian tenor, Andrea Bocelli has inspired me, the Quirky Artist who had always been in love with the modern world, to draw more and more. I have been listening to his famous songs like Romanza, Bellissime Stelle, Vivo Per Lei and Vivere every time I practice pencil sketching either at home or at my Art Class. In my opinion, they were a million times better than any other songs in the world.

And so, all thanks to Mr. Bocelli and his magnificent voice, I have finally finished the ever-so-challenging Dunhill Adventure sketch.  A lot of my friends in deviantART has said that I have been improving very quickly. I might even be a pro in two or three years from now.

I am very, very proud of this piece. I really am.

My next assignment had been kicked up a notch - drawing half-bodied humans. As in, from head to the waist. I am pretty excited because I get to work on my human anatomy.

I do some sketches at home whenever I'm bored. And it's always Andrea Bocelli in the sketch. I rarely see myself drawing anyone other than Andrea Bocelli.

This is the reference of the latest Andrea Bocelli sketch that I am currently working on. I hope to get it done as soon as possible.

Andrea Bocelli is one of a kind.

~Much love.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

A Tale of Friendship of Two Artists

In 2004, I was seven years old and it was the year I finally went from kindergarten to school. Luck was not by my side on appearance, because I was probably the most ugliest girl-student in my class. Skin too tanned, my baby teeth weren't in order (and looked disgusting if you were there) and most of all, I was gruesomely the fattest kid in my class. I don't even think that my teachers would consider me chubby.

It should be about a couple of days later that my first art class started. And that was the day I became the best of friends with a girl named Kellie. We were sharing crayons, color pencils and all those while drawing pictures. She looked past my appearance and soon enough, we had a tons of things in common.

For three solid years, we continued to follow our passion of art as much as how we grew on each other. We've even bought a book and transformed it into our little 'homemade' comic book.

And in May 25th 2007, I had the most heart-breaking news from my Mom. We had to move away because of her business. It was probably the most tear-jerking moment of my junior life because this was the first time I had a real friend who'd stick by my side no matter what. And I had to give that up because of business matters.

It was soon that I was in my driver's car, waving goodbye to all my friends that stood by the gate.

In 2008, I started to use the internet because of the new school I went to. Some of the kids there were pretty smart about online socializing networks like Facebook, Twitter and stuff, they were the ones who introduced me to open my first e-mail and Facebook account. (Shush, you. I know I signed up under-aged.) It was a really joyous day because I made it on my birthday. They taught me everything I needed to know and more about those sites.

One day, I was feeling bored and punched in Kellie's first two names. And guess what? She had her own Facebook account too. It was something like having to find a long lost doll under you bed with cobwebs and dust all over it. It was bittersweet - 'cause I was paranoid. I added her and thank the Heavens, she remembers me! How could she forget, right? We talked about all things up-to-date and it was like the usual days when we were in school together.

The first three years, I was her friend, face-to-face. The second three years, I was her friend, in her Friends List. Add it all up, we've been friends for 6 years.

This year, there's even better news. Last week's Sunday, she texted me, asked where I was and what I was doing.
 "Art Classes", I said.
 She got interested, "Where do you take your Art Classes?"

I explained her that I take my Art Classes at *bleeeep* and that the Art Classes are the best through out  the world. She got even more interested and asked me for the address, saying that she might sign up too.

That's when my brain started to twitch. This was an awfully big chance to see my friend after 3 long years apart. I started telling her all those stuff like what time, which day and which lesson I was taking. She asked her Mom and her Mom agreed. Our friendly-chat slightly turned serious.

So, it's been almost a week since we've been planning everything out if we were going to meet on Sunday: Where will I pick her up? Where would she most likely park her car? What to do if either one of us comes earlier than the other and requirement tools for our classes. I burned half of my credit in my phone, texting her all week. I've burned most of my time chatting with her on MSN when I was supposed to try and finish my project that my teacher gave me.

Bottom line: After 3 long years of being apart, the two best artist friends were going to see each other again, TOMORROW.

Boy, am I excited. She's probably reading this, so, this blog's for you, Kellie. Much love.


Monday, March 22, 2010

Recount: 21st of March, 2010, Sunday

Alrighty, this post is dedicated to my art-related matters and my art-related matters only.

I was fast-walking to my Art Class as I was already three minutes late. I passed by a shop which had some funny-but-awesome looking glasses. They caught my eye greatly to make me go into the store (Yes, I was wasting time.) to get a closer look. I tried them on and asked one of the promoters if they could take a picture for me - just for fun.

Woooow. This was weird/quirky/strange enough to put as my profile picture. Haha.

And so, after a minute of rapidly pondering around the shop, I ran to my Art Class. Which was a good thing - I needed to burn some extra pounds. Haha.

I finished the sketch. The reference was from a very Mary Sue-like lady, so what better title to put than, "Mary Sue". Haha.

This is my latest and newest sketch of Andrea Bocelli - my favorite singer with the voice of an angel. *swoons*

This is my newest sketch. And it's going to be challenge just because of that bottle in his face. Click HERE to see the reference picture. (Yes, I took the picture with my camera.)

I am exhausted.


The Adventure Begins

. . . cue Mr. Bean music! 

Steven has arrived. We (Me and my Mom) had a casual breakfast with him. And, for the first time, he had this crazy-yet-brilliant idea to climb up our condo. I shook my head while my Mom nodded hers. I had no other option to give in - two out of one. That was completely unfair. And I'm just a kid! I have rights, you know. *laughs*

So, we warmed up - took a walk before we scaled up the building. He was a dude who had longer legs - so he had the lead. Which made me the 'middle-person' and my Mom the last. 

He was looking at a plant.

From left to right: Me, my Mom and Steven.

And after an hour's worth of warming up, it was time to kick it up a notch. We went to the highest block in our condo compound - Block E. We went about five floors up, rested for a minute and continued to do the same thing. 

Poor Mom, she was completely exhausted when we got to the 13th Floor. Wow. Unlucky much. *laughs*
The view from the topmost floor was breath-taking! I saw half of the world without even leaving.

We ran down as fast as we could in order to get to 7-Eleven. Yes, our goal was to reach there to get some drinks. Oh, God, he totally busted my knees after going down by the stairs - he owes me new ones. Sure - he sprinted past by just because he had long legs. Well, I don't care! *chuckles*

I hope that's the last time we climb up and down our condo - because I'm trying to save my energy when we go hiking at Cameron Highlands.
We have to start packing so we can leave earlier tomorrow morning.

And so the adventure began. . .


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Quirky Artist in Wonderland

I am pretty sure that the title says it all: I have watched Alice in Wonderland. And let me tell you - it was epically awesome. Seriously, it was an inspiration to all artists - all thanks to our beloved Tim Burton. The choice of colors were just incredible.

The whole day I was hype - jumped all over the place and blabbed ridiculously. I booked the seats for the cinema yesterday, because I knew that it would be packed today since it was a week of school holidays. (I was right - hundreds of individuals queued at the ticket counter.) 

Large popcorn and Pepsi to the rescue!

I know, I know, recording devices such as cameras weren't allowed but, I couldn't resist taking pictures of me and my Mom because we looked incredibly idiotic with the 3D glasses.

People still mistake us for sisters that a dude gave me his number to "call him sometime". What the heck? *chuckles*

Camewhore moment - do not disturb.

10 seconds has passed after the movie started and I had a chill that ran up my spine - I had a vibe that it was going to be fully awesome.

As soon as Alice was in Wonderland, it started with Absolem the Caterpillar, with the voice of Alan Rickman. I giggled as softly as I could because it was danm awesome to see and hear Alan Rickman on screen once again after Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.

Unconsciously, I drank and drank and drank the cold Pepsi until it was finished - which meant I paid absolutely no attention to the poor popcorn - haha. Oh, boy was I in big trouble.

The movie plot was great - other than the rants, "It didn't follow the book!". My favorite part was probably the part where Absolem transforms. (Or as Alice said, dies.) It was his third scene in the movie out of the four. (And the last scene which he spoke. Because the last scene was him turning into a beautiful, blue butterfly.) As sad and depressing as dying can sound, the sentence, "We will meet again in another life, Alice." just touched my soul - because that's something that I know will happen when everyone dies off. We just won't have the memories of them from the past life.

The move was over, credits rolled across the screen and it was time to return to reality. I bought some time to see the word Alan Rickman on the screen just because I was that obsessed with him. (Go ahead, laugh all you want - because I am, too.)

"With the voices of Alan Rickman as Absolem the Caterpillar". [[insert dreamy sigh here]]

Remember the Pepsi drink that I finished? Yeah - the result wasn't pretty. I had to twist, curl and bend my legs because my bladder was overloading. To the max. I dragged my Mom to the nearest toilet. Ah, the relief! Hahaha.

There was an Alice in Wonderland cut-out poster and I could not resist but to take an awesome picture.(P.S. If you don't get the fact that the black jacket made me look fat - you should probably get glasses.)

 My Mom wanted the concept of, "The Mad Hatter is Resting His Head on Your Shoulders". 

Note to self: Never wear a black jacket like that - ever again.

We went home, did some chores and spoiled ourselves. Me with my laptop and some music - my Mom with some Korean drama and Soya milk.


Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Sims 2

Hallelujah! Right after I tested my laptop, the first thing that came into my mind was re-installing the Sims 2! I had it uninstalled a few months ago, because my OS couldn't take it anymore. Poor RAM. Well, my RAM is now 2GB and the changes were just incredible!

It took like two and a half hours to load the whole thing in my previous 254MB of RAM. And it was worse from there. It hung for as long as the Sun was burning. So, those days, I had no choice but to uninstall it for future uses. (Important uses like schoolwork, etc.)

But now, with 2GB of RAM, it took - like - just five minutes to go through the whole system. I could not believe my eyes when I saw it happen. Everything zoomed, dashed and ran past by like a crazy rampage.

Thank you, God - for giving me another chance to play the Sims 2 (with incredible speed).


Saturday, March 13, 2010

Bloody Blissful

My laptop has been infected with virus. And don't expect me to do some typing, clicking and reading some codes to make it go away - I am not experienced at technical work. Especially computer related.

So. . . I had to take it to the hospital (in this case, the repair shop) ad asked if this can be fixed. They said they'll make the inside of the laptop work just like a brand new one, but, everything comes with a price. I had to pay 530 bucks.

And so, I did. Three hours later, I checked it out and voila! It was a kajillion times faster than what I have been using for the past four years. This is my latest and newest desktop.

All thanks to a great friend, Coxxy.

 Because of the 4 days delay of not posting anything, I have forgot to upload one sketch that I've finished a week ago. My Art Teacher says that I have improved tremendously. (Haha, all thanks to online how-to-draw tutorials.) For this piece, I think that the lips were a little bit too small. 

Well, that's all there is left to say. Cheerio!


Monday, March 1, 2010

Fashion Flunk

I had my art class yesterday. The usual pencil sketch occupied two hours of my time.
I finally finished the portrait that had been sitting in my sketchbook for over two weeks.

I've heard that the dude, a.k.a., my Mom's boyfriend, Steven, is coming to visit us. Between 20th and 27th March. AND, between 1st and 8th of April. My Mom've mentioned that we'll be going to Cameron Highlands, which is a pretty cold place (as most of my friends've said) because it's quite high up on the hills/mountains. Me, My Mom, him and my Grandma are going.

"Grandma? Oh-no. She might catch a cold." My Mom said. So, we switched modes from workaholics to shopaholics. My Mom wanted to buy a thick sweater for Grandma. Which, as a result, she got a white, fluffy, 149 bucks arcylic sweater.

Haha. I was way too sleepy, you can see the expression on my face.
I had my eye on one cardigan. Which was really cute. Costed 29 bucks. And the fabric was awesomely smooth and warm. My Mom disagreed because I already had a "one". The "one" is a friggen' hoodie. Not a sweater . Eh. I had a whole 20 days to hunt for sweaters, so, I let this one go.

At last! It was time to feast. We went to the ever so fatty fast food restaurant, KFC. My Mom chattered away about how many days and nights we'll stay there, if we had to bring those waterproof-casings for our cameras and phones if it rained heavily, et cetera, et cetera. (They were too busy talking, they didn't eat.) Everything was laid out on the table while I was chompping away on my chicken burger. Around the corner, the icon of the supermall, the Egyptian Lion (which was actually a dude in a lion suit), was walking around with two chicks carrying baskets full of sample cookies. It was way too good to resist taking a picture.

Too far. Needed to wait. (Say hi, Grandma!)

Ah, the every so charming Egyptian Lion (with a Chinese cap) posing for the camera. He even patted my Grandma on the back, saying "Have a nice day."

After the usual grocery shopping, we had the max of four bags on each hand. Everyone was carrying bags. I was the pack muel this time. I had my backpack. I could've died right on the spot if I didn't finish my chicken burger. (Thank you, Mom. For forcing me to eat it.) Taxi home.

My Mom was still in her slimming diet. So, she had boiled eggs and Korean drama for her nightly-spoiling routine. While she was doing that, I was working on yet another, Alan Rickman sketch.

I was thinking of a name, "Out of the Shadows" for this piece. My Mom kept saying that he's bald. Well, he's not. If anyone agrees with my Mom, here comes a brick for your face!

Well, I've to finish my project that my Eng. Lit. class gave me. I have two months to finish it. (But I'm too busy blogging and goofing off, ahahaha.)

Peace out!
