Thursday, May 6, 2010

A Spark of a New Obsession

Okay, so I've deserted you guys for a whole month. What's been going on? A lot.

Let's begin with my favorite topic: Art. I have a couple of finished and work-in-progress art pieces that I'd like to share with you guys. Even though all I'm talking to is an empty space of air. Ahaha.

This piece's called Poster Girl. And I bet you already know where the title came from. The song, "Poster Girl" by the Backstreet Boys .

This one would be a Work-In-Progress (W.I.P.)  piece of the gay-but-awesome American Idol runner-up, Adam Lambert!

Last, but certainly not least, a W.I.P. piece of my favorite English actor, Alan Rickman. I can't wait to finish this one, because, as a fellow Rickmaniac, I believe it's going to be super awesome. Grins all the way.

And all of these (and the previous) realism works of mine have been 'transplanted' to a new deviantART account of mine. Yes, you heard me, I have made a brand new deviantART account. Click Here if you want to pay me a visit. Why did I make a new account, you ask? Because I wanted to. HA. *points and laughs*

And onto the next topic that I've been itching about to type here on Blogspot: the Harry Potter books. Yes, I know that a third of the world have probably read the whole series, but, for me, I just started last Sunday (2nd of May, 2010). Yes, I agree with you that I am a wee bit late on catching up, but, it's better late than never.

Honestly, I've been longing to start reading since last year, but, as usual, I always have people blocking me from doing it. Specifically, my Mom, don't ask. Turning 13 this year (on the 5th of September), my Mom finally gave me the chance to get the first book. Boy, it was awesome to read. Unlike the other books which made me go, "Meh, this book was nice. Let's move on to the next.", it made me go, "Dude! I wanna re-read this book again!"

As the title've said, "A Spark of a New Obsession", I just got addicted to the Harry Potter books just like boys addicted to video games. I simply had to negotiate with my Mom about me getting and reading the rest of the books before the first part of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows movie comes out. Call me a spoiled brat, but that's me.

So, me and my Mom came to a conclusion of this: If I wanted to buy the rest of the books (the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh), I'd have to save my weekly allowance (Meaning, I'd have to starve from not buying any snacks, ahaha.) until I've reached the amount I need to get those books . It's going to be hard to not have Mountain Dew for a while, but, I'm one hundred percent positive that it'll be awesomely worth it. Wish me luck, because my goals are set sky-high.

~Much love.

P.S. I've been goofing off so much about this and that, that I've completely forgotten to finish the realism piece of Elvis Presley by my friend's father last month. (Mentioned in this blog entry.) Let's just hope my friend's father's a calm and cool gentleman. Ahahaha.